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Word of the Year

Growing up, I dreamt of one day becoming a journalist. After many years of private Catholic schools in England, followed by English Honors classes in New Jersey, the art of journalism always held a special place in my heart. Evidently, I followed the more preferred career path once getting to college, enrolling as a Biology major with the goal to land a job somewhere in the healthcare sector, and after successfully becoming a health executive for a network of non-profit organizations, I still have that writers itch; so here we are.

Thank you for joining me on this journey as I merge my 2 worlds and hopefully along the way, something here will inspire you or guide you on your journey of being a leader in your respective field, while staying true to yourself and writing your own story.

The end and the beginning of the year, typically symbolizes an opportunity for renewal and growth. A few days ago, I joined the process of writing my New Years Resolution (as inspired by Barbelle Beautyy) and toyed with the idea of Vision Boarding. I also stumbled across the idea of creating a 'Word of the Year' - this is the notion that it only takes one word to change your life. According to the founders at One Word this simple, focused and clear process can positively impact all areas of your life! It seems like this one word theme is really catching on, as Diddy recently shared his word of the year on Instagram.

I have launched and re-launched many blogs over the years, and fingers crossed this one will stick! So my word of the year is, obedience. Obedience to my vision, my faith, my passion, and my happiness.

What's your word of the year for 2019? Let's hold each other accountable.

- With Gratitude,

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