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Am I Rooted in Why Part III?

Thank you for joining me on this series as we further explore what exactly we each are rooted in. Life is busy! I know that I'm preaching to the choir here, but we have to acknowledge how busy life really is before we can become intentional with how we spend our time. Throughout this series I've had many 'Ah-Hah' moments coupled with a few 'What's happening here' moments. While the former immersed me in feelings of excitement and inspiration, the latter resulted in one too many anxiety attacks (it's mental health awareness month, so I'm being very transparent).

A few days ago, I was so engrossed in the need to consistently make monumental decisions that I got to the point where I couldn't even select what I wanted for breakfast without having a panic attack. Clearly, I needed to find balance, a middle ground where I could be content in just being rooted. What I know for sure today is that it takes time and patience to be rooted. Last week's panic attack gave me no choice other than to sit down and take a second (well an hour) to unplug and watch the trees in my back yard. In essence at some point I had to stop 'doing' in order to acknowledge, appreciate, and understand my current positioning, much like a well-rooted tree.

As I learnt last week, there is pressure in the pursuit of perfection. However, I've also learnt that there is great comfort and joy in knowing that I've been positioned for something extraordinary and potentially revolutionary. I haven't quite found out what it is, and I'll share it with you as it unfolds; but knowing that I'm anchored and rooted in my core values and personal mission statement ensures that anything I set my mind and heart to will have no other option other than to be aligned.

Something transformative happens when you encourage yourself to seek opportunities for alignment. Whether it's the part-time job you have today, or the volunteer project you agreed to despite having no free time; I encourage you to intentionally seek an ounce of alignment in that job; I encourage you to intentionally seek an opportunity to learn in that experience; and lastly, I encourage you to intentionally seek a space for appreciation in that moment.

I invite you to watch yourself transform during these seasons, as you realize that through each experience the universe is intentionally rooting you in your why.

With Gratitude,

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